Halloween Costume Parade Set for Wednesday Morning Downtown

Hundreds of tiny trick or treaters are expected to descend on Doyle Street Wednesday morning for the 28th annual preschooler Halloween parade and costume contest.

Sponsored by Toccoa Main Street, Event Coordinator Sharon Crosby says what started out as an activity for kids in daycare has grown to include the entire community.

“We start at 10a and people start lining up at Details. They then walk all the way down Doyle St. to the eye center and then cross over and walk down to the yellow caboose,” Crosby said.

Businesses will be out in force all along Doyle St. in front of stores and offices ready to fill children’s baskets and bags with candy as they pass by.

And judges will be on hand with the difficult job of picking the best costumes in three age categories, Two and Under, Age 3 and Age 4.

“We have three judges who will judge the homemade costumes,” Crosby explained. “If parents want their child to be judged, we have a separate line for that and we’ll give out prizes at the end of the parade.”

Children will also be treated to juice and cookies at the end of their candy walk.

And as it does every year, the parade will end with the announcement of the winners for best costumes.

Crosby said the costume parade has become an annual tradition in Toccoa.

“People come to just watch the parade, even if they don’t have children in the parade, just because it’s cute to see the children and their families. We have grandparents come to watch. I’ve even heard of people taking off from work so they can be with their children to go through the parade. So, it’s been growing every year and we’re grateful for it,” she said.

There’s no cost to participate in the Halloween parade and it is a fun way for parents and children alike to have fun in a safe environment.

For more information on the Halloween Costume Parade for preschoolers, you can contact the Main Street office at 706.282.3269.