Georgia GOP Monitor for Stephens County speaks out regarding violations in recent election audit

Georgia GOP Monitor for Stephens County Rebeckah Bennett recently addressed some concerns she has for the Stephens County Registrar’s Office’s Audit of the November 3rd Election.

Despite that Stephens County Registrar Eureka Gober told WNEG News on Monday that the audit went smoothly and was a success, Bennett believes that is not accurate.

She says there were several violations that raised a red flag for her while observing the audit.

“So, we had no sign in table—You’re required to have a sign in table. You’re required to have an observation area roped off for the public to sit so they know where to go. You were supposed to have color sheets of paper out there on each table. They didn’t use their question or checkmarks. There was supposed to be absolutely no pen or pencil that was the same as what a voter would use to fill it out; so, no blue, no black, no pencils. There was supposed to be every writing done on anything was supposed to be in red,” she said.

She adds that she’s concerned because Stephens County didn’t follow the correct procedures.

“So, my level of concern is if you have poll workers that did the original counts that were responsible for the original processes and you don’t follow the process at hand like every other county in the state of Georgia to have a republican and democrat there. When you don’t follow the processes to ensure securing the vote or ensuring that there is no open opportunity for things such as black pen, red pen, to come into play. Securing the vote has been something that across the board has been an issue in Stephens County from the jump,” she said.

WNEG News will continue to follow this story and bring you additional details as they become available.