Candidates for SCBC Post 5 talk about voting for the people

It seems increasingly unlikely for Incumbent Dean Scarborough and John Smith to share similar beliefs; however, during last week’s Political Forum, the two shared very similar answers, so much so, on one instance Smith agreed completely with Scarborough.

Scarborough and Smith are vying for the Stephens County Board of Commissioners Post 5 seat.

During the political forum, Dawn Jameson, who was moderating the forum, asked the two about how residents of Stephens County know the candidate will vote for “the people” instead of their own agenda.

Scarborough discussed the way he currently votes as Commissioner.

“The first thing you learn is that everything has two sides. You have to get as much public feedback as possible before voting. I make myself available through emails and phone calls. I always return emails and phone calls. All politics are local,” Scarborough said.

Smith urged citizens to become involved and informed by attending public meetings.

“What I would like to see is more public input. Sure we can get feedback through emails and phone calls, but more importantly, we need feedback during our open meetings,” Smith said.

WNEG News will continue tomorrow morning with highlights from the Stephens County Board of Commissioners Post 4 seat contesters.