Toccoa City Commission To Meet Twice Monday

The Toccoa City Commission will meet twice next Monday, May 13. The first meeting will be a work session at 3 p.m., with a regularly scheduled meeting following at 5 p.m. Both meetings will take place at City Hall, 92 N. Alexander Street. 

On the agenda for the 3 p.m. work session is a discussion of a camera system for the downtown area, discussion of City Hall renovations, and discussion of Henderson Falls Park Playground Equipment. 

According to meeting documentation, there have been three bids submitted for a camera system in the downtown area that would install multiple cameras for safety and security purposes. The submitted quotes are dissimilar in total costs, with one coming in at approximately $30,000, another at approximately $60,500, and a third at $49,500.

Also according to agenda documentation for Monday’s work session, bids received for work on City Hall include only one bid for repainting work, at $42,952.66; for pressure and soft washing work, only one quote was submitted, this one for $18,500, and for light installation work, two quotes were received, one for $1,765.87 and one for $1,548.32. One bid was received for restripeing work, for $950.  The total cost, if all lowest bids or quotes were accepted, would be $63.950.98.

On the agenda for the 5 p.m. regular meeting are presentation of a proclamation for Historic Preservation Month, consideration of an appointment to the Downtown Development Authority, consideration of approval of an Alcohol Beverage Control License, consideration of a repair work order for the city hall elevator, and the monthly finance report. 

Members of the public are invited to attend the meeting, and are welcome to address commissioners during the Public Comment section of the meeting.  Contact information for commissioners is available attached to this story on

Gail Fry Mayor 706.599.0205 [email protected]
Terry Carter Vice-Mayor 706.491.2550 [email protected]
Evan Hellenga Commissioner 706.491.0527 [email protected]
Michelle Jamieson Commissioner 706.491.7418 [email protected]
Ron Matheson Commissioner 706.244.0498 [email protected]