Stephens County Registrar’s Office audit and recount shows no fraudulent activity in November 3rd election

The Stephens County Registrar’s Office has completed its audit and recount of the November 3rd General Election.

According to Stephens County Registrar Eureka Gober, her staff completed the audit and recount at 3 p.m. on Monday.

She says both processes went smoothly with only minor errors that were easily corrected.

“No, we didn’t have any issues regarding our audit and recount. Everything went really good, it was smooth. We finished today around 3 o’clock, and that was great, because our targeted date was Tuesday at 12 o’clock, and we got done earlier. We had an awesome group and I’m so proud. Nothing happened, other than a few minor things but we corrected those,” she said.

Additionally, Gober says the audit proved that there was no voter fraud in Stephens County.

“No, we didn’t have anything that wasn’t counted. We did not have anything fraudulent activity at this office, and I want to stress that because people are saying in this city that we did, and I don’t know where they got that information from because we had no fraudulent activity. We ran a smooth voting system here. I know there’s been a lot of talk on Facebook and other social media saying a lot of people don’t trust the voting system here in Toccoa, but we didn’t have anything fraudulent here,” she said.

Gober explained that the audit results will be uploaded to the State this morning and that will close out the November 3rd Election.

She adds that if you requested an absentee ballot this past election but instead voted in person, you’ll need to request an application for an absentee ballot in the next election if you plan to vote by absentee.

For questions regarding the recent audit or recount contact Gober by calling 706-886-8954.