Habersham Voting District Corrections Verified by State

Habersham County’s rework of who should be in which legislative district has now been verified by the State.

Habersham County has two House Districts, District 10 and District 28.

“After checking, and geographically identifying, each address in the State Reapportionment Office, Laurel Ellison has verified that all Habersham County voters’ addresses are in the proper House district and that no errors were found in the maps when conducting this latest verification effort,” says Anderson. “This has been a reassuring exercise and it has allowed all voter files to be cross checked with state voter files from the Legislative & Congressional Reapportionment Office.”

The verification from the State comes after House District 28 Representative Dan Gasaway filed a lawsuit in Superior Court claiming dozens of voters in Habersham County had been given wrong ballots in the May 22 Primary Election.

After a day of testimony last week, Senior Superior Court Judge David Sweat agreed and ruled the May 22 Primary Election results for the House District 28 race between Gasaway and Republican businessman Chris Erwin were invalid and he called for a ‘re-do’ of that Primary for December 4th.

During testimony in Banks County Superior Court last week, Habersham County Elections

Laurel Ellison testified last week that errors were found in the voter rolls

Superivisor Laurel Ellison testified that when she first learned of the potential errors, she conducted her own research using GIS maps of Habersham County cross referenced with voter addresses.

Ellison said she concluded that were 450 registered voters assigned to the wrong House District.

Of that, she said 70 Republican voters had cast ballots in the May Election in the wrong District.

According to Ellison, 37 Republican voters who resided in District 28 voted in District 10.

Another 33 Republican voters who resided in District 10, voted in District 28.

Mark Davis, owner of President of Data Productions, Inc., an analytics company that provides voter data for political campaigns also testified last week and confirmed Ellison’s findings.

Anderson said anyone with questions or concerns can contact the Habersham County Board of Commissioner’s Office at 706-839-0200 or Commission Chairman Victor Anderson via email at [email protected].