Local Chapter Gives Check to March of Dimes

The local chapter of the Stephens/Franklin March of Dimes closed the book on 2017 this past Wednesday at McDonalds of Toccoa.

Leon Womack of the local chapter made a check presentation. “We did a 5K run and had sponsors fund our run. The money from our sponsors helped fund the run, and we would like to make a check presentation to the March of Dimes for $18,000.”

Senior Development Manager for the March of Dimes Melissa Cox tells WNEG where the money goes. “Part of the money goes to a neo-natal transport called the Angel Two. That is an ambulance that is rigged for babies that are too small with very specialized items for their care. The Angel Two transports babies that need a higher level of NECU from a rural hospital to a larger hospital that can handle that.”

Womack and the local chapter’s Sharleen Stinespring thanked the local sponsors including two of the larger sponsors 1st Franklin Financial, and Crown Resources.

Cox also expressed her appreciation to the community. “Thank you all so much for continuing to support the March of Dimes and our fight to give every baby a healthy start. I am so glad I was able to come here and be with you and appreciate everything that you do.”

The Super Hero 5K run/walk was held in Downtown Toccoa on September 30th.