BOE to Hear Presentation on Metal Detectors Tonight

A reminder that the Stephens County Board of Education will hear a presentation from school administration on school safety and specifically metal and weapons detectors at the Board of Education’s regularly-scheduled meeting tonight at 5:30 p.m. at the Stephens County Schools District Office, 191 Big A School Road in Toccoa. The meeting is open to the public.

Also on tonight’s agenda is approval of amendments to the school system’s policy on parental leave. The amendment would increase the hours of paid parental leave from 120 hours to 240 hours to comply with the recently adopted state legislation. 

At last week’s Board of Education work session, Stephens County Assistant Superintendent John Stith gave the monthly facilities update, including information on the progress on the Ferman Gregory Agriculture Center, which will have a grand opening ribbon cutting at 6 p.m. on Sept. 30., followed by a local Ag Show. Stith talked about several roofing projects, which will come before the Board tonight for approval of bid, as well as other facilities updates. 

School system finance director Emily Bennett provided board members with the monthly finance and SPLOST reports. 

In other local education news, Teachers of the Year for each school will be announced at special ceremonies at schools tomorrow, Sept. 18, and the system-wide Stephens County Teacher of the Year will be announced at an awards dinner on Tuesday, Oct. 22. Stay tuned to WNEG News this coming Thursday for a news report on Teacher of the Year for each individual school.