Toccoa City Commission to meet Monday
The Toccoa City Commission will meet at 5 p.m. on Monday, Jan.13, for a regularly scheduled meeting. The meeting will take place at City Hall, 92 N. Alexander Street.
On the agenda for the meeting is the Ratification of Mayor and Vice Mayor Appointments. At the last meeting of the Toccoa City Commission, commissioners elected Terry Carter as Mayor for 2025, and Evan Helenga as Vice Mayor.
Also at Monday’s meeting, commissioners will consider approval of board and agency appointments made by the mayor. Proposed appointments include
Humane Shelter Committee (2 Appointments)
Toccoa-Stephens County Chamber of Commerce
Stephens County Development Authority
Downtown Development Authority
Georgia Mountains Regional Commission Board
Airport Authority
Stephens County Board of Health
Historic Preservation Commission Liaison
Keep Toccoa-Stephens County Beautiful Board
Rural Conservation and Development Council Board
Also on the agenda is a proclamation declaring January 20 as Martin Luther King Jr. Day, as well as Consideration of Fire Department Ladder Truck Repair. According to agenda documentation, the generator that operates the ground lights and lights up the water way on the tocca city ladder truck is in need of repair. Three options are presented for commissioner consideration, to repair the burned out portion of the generator with a 90-day warranty would be $5,921; to upgrade the generator with a harness and a two year warranty would be $7,374 – this amount includes the generator half of the unit, without the hydraulics. The third option is a new generator with a six year warranty for $8,301. Staff recommendation is to proceed with the new replacement with a six year warranty, as the truck is only half way through its front run life span. Toccoa Finance Director Becky Bohanannon will also present the Monthly Financial Report.
Members of the public are invited to attend the meeting, and are welcome to address commissioners during the Public Comment section of the meeting.