The City of Toccoa has great year for 2017
The City of Toccoa, like other cities across the nation has had its share of trials and tribulations; but, more so, Toccoa has experienced many great things throughout 2017.
Human Resources Director Jan Crawford released earlier this week a list of accomplishments which underscores the efforts of local leaders, elected officials and employees.
The highlight of the year was the opportunity to host thousands in the community to observe the Great American Solar Eclipse.
In 2017, the City of Toccoa received close to $1.8 million in grant funds for a variety of projects; it was able to continue the Cemetery Beautification project; and also, the city continued updating the City fleet through the purchase of seven vehicles.
All Toccoa Fire Department personnel received Georgia Firefighter Re-Certification and the City experienced no fire-related deaths this year.
The Fire Department also acquired five thermal-imaging cameras that allow Firefighters to see through smoke to identify hot-spots and locate humans and pets.
Over 100 events were held in downtown Toccoa with 66,000 in attendance; including the first Toast of Toccoa and the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation Spring Ramble.
Completed the City Park Renovations Project; lighting at Henderson Falls Park and a grill is being installed at Emory Johnson Park.