SCBC approve contract with Ken-Tech for county website development and hosting services

The Stephens County Board of Commissioners approved a motion authorizing Chairman Dean Scarborough to sign the web development and design contract with Ken-Tech, during its recent meeting on Tuesday.

The cost for Ken-Tech to build and host the county’s new website is $9,800.

According to Stephens County Administrator Phyllis Ayers the board awarded the bid to Ken-Tech at a former meeting; however, this motion was needed for the contract.

The new website will have .gov for its domain extension; whereas, .com has been the former extension used.

Ayers says the need for the new domain extension stems from an issue with one federal agency who no longer recognizes Stephens County as a government.

Chairman Dean Scarborough joked by saying that at least Georgia still recognizes Stephens County as a government.

Ayers adds that Ken-Tech offered the best price for building the website.

It is unclear when the new website will be up and running; however, WNEG News will continue to follow this story and bring you additional details as they become available.