Open Arms Clinic could close if donations continue to deplete

Local non-profit takes ownership of building.

Open Arms Clinic recently held a celebration after AMPO, a physician’s real estate consortium of Toccoa, gifted the property deed, of the building that houses the clinic, to the not-for-profit.

For 12 years, Open Arms Clinic has operated out of, what they call, the ‘Little White House on the Hill,’ located at 109 Big A Road.

During those 12 years, the clinic has made a number of renovations and repairs to the building; however, two-years ago, the ‘Little White House on the Hill’ needed a new roof.

While searching for donations, Executive Director Sherry Beavers was told about an organization who would complete the labor for no charge, as long as the organization was a not-for-profit and owned its own building.

Thus, leading Open Arms Clinic to seek ownership of its building from the AMPO.

During the celebration on Thursday, Beavers explained that gaining ownership to the building is great, but, she also wanted to stress how the organization is in financial turmoil.

“Tonight’s message is a little bit of a mixed message, because in addition to having the deed to this building, we also are in the midst of a financial crisis,” Beavers said. “So, Open Arms has enough funds to continue until the end of September. And at that time we will have to consider what else we can do. I’m not sure if it’s the new tax law, we knew that when this new tax law went into effect and people weren’t able to deduct their deductions and everything it would likely hurt us.”

According to Beavers, the goal of Open Arm’s Clinic is to provide care for chronic medical conditions of adults, ages 18 to 64, who live in Stephens County, are uninsured and working poor.

Since its inception, Open Arms Clinic has provided care to 1,400 residents in Stephens County who otherwise would not be able to afford medical treatment.

Again, Open Arms Clinic has only enough funds to carry them through the end of September, and at that time, without additional funds, they likely will close.

If you are interested in making a donation to Open Arms Clinic, contact Beavers at 706-886-0940, or visit its website at