Lavonia P.D. Gets GOHS Grant
By MJ Kneiser, WLHR Radio, Lavonia
The Lavonia Police Department is the recipient of a $10,000 equipment grant from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety.
Lavonia Police Chief Bruce Carlisle said the grant will come in handy to purchase some new equipment.
“We have received this grant several times in the past,” Carlisle said. “The grant will be used for any technology equipment that is used for traffic enforcement in the City of Lavonia.”
According to its Web site, the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety administers grant funding for various programs that address 11 national traffic safety priority areas, such as impaired driving, police traffic services, and speed control.
Funding for these grants is allocated to the Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety and other states annually from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration using a formula based on population and road mileage.
The Governor’s Office of Highway Safety says it then awards the funding to state and local safety-related agencies as “seed” money for the development and implementation of programs that address traffic safety problem areas or expand ongoing activities in safety priority areas.