E. Tugalo St. residents are concerned for their safety as speeders continue to ignore speed limit

During the previous Toccoa City Commission meeting, several E. Tugalo residents came forward to discuss their fears of using the sidewalks, pulling out of their driveways and the safety of their children as speeding continues to be an issue on the residential road.

Despite several efforts, by the City of Toccoa, to discourage drivers from speeding, the problem continues to impact the livelihood of several citizens.

The Toccoa Police Department has increased its presence on the road as a deterrent.

Road crews have painted the posted speed limit on the face of the road and have placed two radar speed signs, but to no avail the issue persist.

E. Tugalo resident Cindy Rondeau, spoke during the public comments portion of the aforementioned meeting.

She expressed concerns regarding the danger of backing out onto Tugalo Street because of speeders. She also detailed her concerns for pedestrians walking on E. Tugalo Street sidewalks because of speeders and the volume of vehicles traveling the street.

Rondo continued to say that because of the influx of vehicles speeding through E. Tugalo, her family has been impacted by the added risk of backing out of their driveway.

In an attempt to provide her family with added safety, her family has purchased two new vehicles that are equipped with safety devices.

Karen Conkle is a resident of E. Tugalo, she spoke up at the meeting with concerns that speeders are putting the young children in the area at risk.

Conkle continued to say that adding stop signs would be a deterrent for speeders.

After hearing from the public, Toccoa Mayor David Austin requested the commission hold a work session, to discuss potential solutions, at a forthcoming meeting.

WNEG News will provide continued coverage as new information is released.