County makes up missed contributions for Coroner

During the recent Stephens County Board of Commissioners meeting, the board voted and approved the adoption of amendment No. 1 and resolution to the ACCG 401(a) Defined Contribution Plan to add the position of County Coroner.

A defined contribution plan is a retirement plan where an employer, employee or both agree to contribute an amount of money to the plan regularly.

County Administrator Phyllis Ayers presented the motion to the commission.

“Historically, we have contributed to the retirement plan for the coroner; however, in 2009, for some reason the HR Director did not enroll Chris Stephens in the plan,” Ayers said.

Stephens County Coroner Chris Stephens took office in 2009 and had not received any contributions to his retirement plan from the County.

Commissioner Dean Scarborough made the motion to approve the amendment, and Commissioner Stanley London seconded the motion.

The motion passed 3-0.