Advance voting period off to good start in Stephens County

Stephens County Registrar Eureka Gober says the advance voting period is off to a good start.

She says since early voting began October 14 there has been a number of residents to cast advanced ballots.

Gober says Toccoa residents will cast ballots for the contested Toccoa City Commission post 2 seat. That race is between Incumbent David Austin and Toccoa resident Inger Neal.

Gober adds that Stephens County residents, including those in Toccoa, will cast ballots for the referendum calling for the continuation of the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST).

If voters approve the SPLOST referendum, collections of the one-cent sales tax will go into effect on July 1, 2020. Stephens County and its municipalities will begin receiving revenue from SPLOST VII in January 2021.

If approved, Stephens County will use the revenue generated from this SPLOST for funding roads, bridges and culverts, including road equipment, fire protection assets, economic development, ambulance vehicles, sheriff’s vehicles, government building upgrades, recreation department facilities upgrades, senior center upgrades, and an emergency management agency vehicle for Stephens County.

The City of Toccoa plan to use the revenue they receive from this SPLOST for funding wastewater plant improvements, roads, bridges and culverts, and public safety vehicles.

The Town of Martin will use their share of the revenue generated from SPLOST to fund water system upgrades, roads, bridges and culverts, and acquisition of real estate.

The City of Avalon will use its share of SPLOST revenue to fund its city hall project.

SPLOST VII is estimated to generate $23,314,936.60 for Stephens County and its municipalities.

Gober reminds everyone that the advance voting period will continue Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. daily, until Friday, November 1. All advance voting will take place at the Stephens County Registrar’s Office located at 12 W. Tugalo Street, in downtown Toccoa.

For questions regarding casting an advance ballot or to request and absentee ballot contact the Registrar’s Office by calling 706-886-8954.