Stephens County Sheriff’s Office Offers Information About School Traffic Cameras

On Friday, July 26, The Stephens County Sheriff’s Office issued a press release regarding implementation of the traffic control and citation cameras that were installed on Big A Road earlier in the summer. 

According to the press release, the traffic cameras located in the school zone outside Stephens County High School at Big A Road and White Pine Road will go live Friday, Aug. 2, at the beginning of the school day.

The first 30 days will serve as part of a community awareness and information campaign to help drivers adjust to a new flow of traffic. Beginning Monday, Sep. 2, only written warnings will be issued through the U.S. Postal Service for those violating the speed limit during the school day. Citations will be issued through the mail beginning Tuesday, Oct. 1. Drivers traveling more than 11 miles per hour above the speed limit will be issued a written citation. 

The press release explains that, when the school zone lights are in the school zone, the speed limit in the school zone will be 35 mph and a citation will be issued to anyone traveling at 46 mph or greater. When the school zone lights are not flashing, the speed limit in the school zone is 45 mph, and citations will be issued and mailed for any vehicle traveling at speeds of 56 miles per hour or greater.

It was noted that, on days that school is canceled for inclement weather, citations issued on those days will be “voided.” Other non-school days such as holidays, teacher work days, and other scheduled and unscheduled days when school is not in session were not addressed; and is one of the questions WNEG News will be addressing in follow-up inquiries and reports on the issue. 

According to the press release, “The school zone speed limit will change throughout the day to meet the needs of school traffic. Cameras will begin operating at 6:30 a.m. and end at 4:45 p.m. each weekday. It should be noted that the traffic control and citation cameras will operate and citations will be issued during that full period, regardless of whether the school zone lights are flashing or not. 

According to the school zone schedule issued by the Sheriff’s Office, the school zone flashers will be on, and the speed limit within the school zone will be 35 miles per hour, from 6:45 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. and from 2:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. – a total of two hours, set to occur during the period just before the start of school and just after school lets out for the day. However, from 6:30 a.m. to 6:45 a.m., from 7:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m., and from 3:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m., the flashers will be off, and the speed limit in the school zone will be 45 mph, but the traffic camera will still be active during these hours, and citations will be issued for those who exceed the 45 mph speed limit by more than 11 mph. 

Stephens County Sheriff Randy Shirley states, “We ask that drivers always obey the speed limit in this area – particularly when after-school activities, sports games, and other events are occurring, to better protect all drivers, including students and bus drivers.”

The release states that there are several warning signs located on the right hand side of Big A Road as drivers approach the entrance to the school zone from either direction. These signs indicate the speed limit when lights are flashing, as well as a digital display of each driver’s speed entering the school zone. 

Speeding fines in the school zone will be set at a fixed rate. The fine for a first offense citation will be $100; second and subsequent offenses within one year will be fined at $150 for each offense. The citations will not apply points against a driver’s license, but are considered a civil penalty and are issued against the registered owner of the vehicle. 

According to the release, between August 2019 and July 2024, there have been 59 recorded motor vehicle accidents at the intersection of Big A Road and White Pine Road, many resulting in injuries, as well as two fatalities. 

Shirley stated, “This is largely because the entrance to the Stephens County High School is located on a state highway and lacks dedicated turn lanes into the school. This is also a high-traffic area in the mornings and afternoons for parents, school bus drivers, employees, and new drivers.”

According to Shirley, his decision to implement the traffic and citation cameras in the school zone is based on this danger, and is in accordance with Georgia Code Title 40, which allows the enforcement of the speed limit in schools zones with recorded images and a civil monetary penalty.

According to Shirley, “Drivers caught speeding will receive a photo of their vehicle and a written citation in the mail. To pay the associated fine, drivers should visit the link on the back of their citation.”

The press release also advises citizens that “there will be limited to no traffic control at Stephens County Public Schools as the school year begins. Deputies will be managing traffic only at the intersection of Big A Road and White Pine Road, as well as on Old Liberty Hill Road at Liberty Elementary School. Drivers should take extra caution at the City of Toccoa intersections of Memorial Drive and Sorrells Road near Big A Elementary School and Memorial Drive and Big A Road, as there will be no police presence at these intersections.”

The press release closes stating, “It is the hope of the Stephens County Sheriff’s Office and Sheriff Randy Shirley that the photo-enforced speed limits will reduce traffic hazards and increase safety at the intersection near Stephens County High School. We value the safety and protection of our students, parents, faculty, and staff, as well as all drivers on the roadways. We urge drivers to please be aware of the school zones and comply with the speed limits as we all work to create a safer Stephens County.”

As there were many questions posed by citizens to WNEG News over the past months since the cameras were installed that were not addressed or answered in this press release, WNEG News will be airing a follow-up report in the coming days.