Unofficial election results for SPLOST referendum, TCC Post 2

The results are in.

The majority of Stephens County residents voted yes for the referendum calling for the continuation of the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax.

The unofficial results for the referendum are 77.56% or 1,272 (yes) and 22.44% or 368 (no).

In the Toccoa City Commission Post 2 race, Toccoa residents selected Incumbent David Austin to serve for another term.

Austin received a total of 406 votes to Neal’s 313.

Austin says he is excited to continue his progress of the city and is thankful for the votes. “Feels good. I appreciate all of the folks that voted for me today. I look forward to the next 4 years and to continue what we have been doing for the citizens of Toccoa. I’m proud of what has gone on for the last few years with downtown and Lake Toccoa and want to keep on improving our community-so I look forward to that.”

Neal, though disappointed, says it was a great experience. “It was a wonderful race. I had an amazing time. It was close and it really shows that we can have a race in Toccoa. It has been a long time since we had one, but it says that people will come out when there are choices.”

Neal says that she will continue to stay involved. “This is not the last the city will see of me. I will be active, and now that the election is over it’s time to make sure our elected officials are truly doing the bidding on behalf of the citizens. So I will be working continuously to make sure our voices are heard, and the things that concern us, also concern our elected officials, and we are truly represented.”

Austin will be serving his sixth term on the Toccoa City Commission.

According to Stephens County Registrar Eureka Gober, despite rumors that were circulating around Facebook, she says overall the process was seamless.

The official confirmed results will be released later this week.

WNEG News will continue to follow this story and bring you additional details as they become available.