Recently released man insists on going back to jail

By Mark Berryman, WLHR

Sometimes a person just wants to go to jail…and is willing to do whatever it takes.

According to officials with the Hartwell Police Department, on Aug. 13 at approximately 11 a.m., a subject came to the Hartwell Police Station threatened to kill people and destroy property in order to be arrested again.

Having just been released from jail that morning, 30-year-old Jackie Clyde Davis of Fairburn, appeared to be extremely upset and told the officer he wanted to be locked back up and would do anything to make it happen.

At that time Davis started making statements about killing people for ruining his life.

He did not, however, say who any of those people were.

Davis also threatened to take a brick he had brought to the department and break a window in the department.

The brick was located by police outside the police department on the sidewalk.

Due to the fear Davis might damage the property, he was placed under arrest for disorderly conduct and processed into the system and placed in a cell, where, according to the report, he will remain until bond is made.