County adopts budget

After months of work and two public hearings, Stephens County has officially adopted its Fiscal Year 2019 budget.

During the recent Stephens County Board of Commissioners regular scheduled meeting, the board voted and approved the adoption of its budget.

In the General Fund the county has budgeted to receive $15,587,976 in revenue, a .07 percent increase from last year.

According to the budget, real estate property tax is the largest contributor in revenue for the General Fund, it is anticipated to collect $6,585,067.

The second largest contributor is Local Option Sales Tax with an anticipated $2,091,898 in revenue, up .01 percent from last year.

According to the government wide expenditure summary, the General Fund surpasses other accounts with an expenditure of $15,587,976, a .10 percent increase from last year.

The second largest expenditure comes from SPLOST VI Capital Projects with an anticipated expense of $4,488,448, a .04 percent decrease from last year.

According to the General Fund Revenue over Expenditures at the end of FY’19, the county will have received $15,587,976 and will have spent $15,587,976; therefore, maintaining a balance of $0.

For a complete copy of the adopted budget visit