Volunteer Appreciation Dessert Social draws crowd at Senior Center

Last week, the Stephens County Senior Center held a volunteer appreciation dessert social.

Many of the center’s volunteers attended the dessert social and received certificates and gifts from the Stephens County Senior Center Director Mary Smith.

Smith told WNEG News that the center could not operate without the many volunteers who dedicate their time each week to serve the senior citizens of Stephens County.

“We’re here today to celebrate our volunteers,” said Smith. “They serve in different capacities, we have volunteers who deliver meals for the Meals on Wheels program every Monday and Wednesday and on holidays. We have volunteers who help with the Tuesday Program. We have volunteers who just help out with our daily operations. We could not function without volunteers.”

Smith added that there is always room for additional volunteers.

“We would love to have more volunteers. Even if you just want to be a substitue for some of our other volunteers for them to go on vacation, or if they’re sick they could fill in. We could use more volunteers to help with a number of things,” Smith added.

For more information regarding volunteer opportunities contact Debbie Woody or Smith at 706-886-4740.