Toccoa City Commission Thanks Employees

The Toccoa City Commission held a meeting last week to discuss the FY 2018 budget. At the Toccoa City Commission meeting on Monday night Mayor Jeanette Jamieson told those in attendance that one thing was very evident during the budget talks.

“ I think we realized then what a tremendous workload our employees take on in-house so to speak so we do not have to bid out and pay outside labor,” said Jamieson. “ I think you have to entertain the budget to understand how much of that goes on and maybe to renew your appreciation for the people that work for the City of Toccoa.”

Mayor Jamieson said that much of the work that the City of Toccoa employees do is behind the scenes.

“The public has no way of knowing because so often the public sees what is obvious like a pool or golf course. They have no idea the amount of work that goes on to provide protection (fire or police), but all of the infrastructure that is the responsibility of the city to provide to its citizens. It is amazing the amount of work. Maybe budget time is a good time to say thank you and acknowledge the good work that they do,” she said.
The Toccoa City Commission will continue budget talks over the next few weeks.